Write for Us + General Guest Post: Check The Details!

Write for Us + General Guest Post: Check The Details!

Find all the essential instructions and information regarding the fantastic opportunity to Write for Us + General Guest Post opportunity and its advantages.

Do you have a blog as a guest and looking for ways to write on other sites? Then you've found the right site!

In this article, we encourage you to write an engaging blog post that will aid our readers to gain understanding. We think blogging is an excellent method to share your thoughts and also help others to learn more.

Our platform is committed to this cause We, therefore would like to ask you to support us by submitting to a "Write for Us + General Guest Post" to our platform.

Find out more!

Our platform

Aktivpress.com is a website that is dedicated to reviews, news as well as other interesting content. Although we've covered only the subject of a few times we are always changing our content. The topics we cover on our website include shopping, gaming travel, tech information, money and much more.

The "Write to Us"+General post is an opportunity to broaden the range of range of content available that we publish on our site.

The group behind aktivpress.com is experienced and professional. They strive to deliver only the highest quality content to viewers. Our writers provide only reliable information after conducting thorough research on the subject.

Therefore, aktivpress.com is a well-established and reliable platform for reviewing articles, as well as other content.

General "Write for Us" Invitation:

We are pleased to present an excellent opportunity to you create a guest blog on our highly regarded platform. You'll contribute content and we'll publish your post on our platform, so that it is viewed by a global audience.

The invitation is general in nature. posting invitation, which means that you are free to do whatever you want to. The authors must adhere to the guidelines and send a flawless post to us.

Who is able to blog? in general "Write for Us" ?

We are sure that you will be thinking about our requirements to guest blog. But, we want to remind that there are some requirements for guest blogging on our website, as in compliance with our guidelines.

If you're an organisation or a blogger who is looking for new possibilities, you could create this guest post.

Topics for General Write for Us :

There isn't a specific topic to be covered in this blog and you can pick any topic that is interesting and exciting to write about.

We suggest that you select any current report or article that is interesting to our readers. You may pick any type of category that you like, such as fashion and business, entrepreneurship or any other.

Instructions for "Write for Us" + General :

With crisp content and the highest quality, we aim to become one of the top platform that you can find on the Internet. Our team is dedicated and is able to deliver the correct information to our users.

To make sure that your article gets posted on our site, adhere to the following guidelines:

  • When collecting details to be used in this "Write for Us" + "General" post, make sure to use authentic sources only.
  • Aim for the word limit to 800-1000 words.
  • You must ensure that there is no plagiarism in your piece.
  • Make the information easier to comprehend with sub-headings, paragraphs and much more.
  • Make sure that the content has quality and value to people who read it. It should be current as well as informative and interesting.
  • Content written in writing should always be written in an active voice.
  • Any links to references included in the write-up must be authentic.

Crucial SEO-guidelines:

  • You should include a short description.
  • When writing for the Write for Us and General article, you should use SEO-friendly keywords and emphasize them with bold blue and red.
  • Include pertinent external and internal hyperlinks after the 70% text in the article. The same should be highlighted in bold and green.
  • After you've written your piece You must then review and make sure you have that you have the following scores:
  • Readability score 60+
  • Spam score lower than 3 %
  • Grammar score: 98+
  • The benefits of Writing in Us General post:

Guest blogging provides you with these benefits essential to your success:

  • You can test blog skills, and develop your blogging skills simultaneously.
  • You are able to explore possibilities and explore opportunities on a variety of platforms.
  • You don't have to wait long to establish an audience for your blog and begin blogging.
  • Enhance your professional image by making more contacts.
  • You'll get an open platform for sharing your content with a large public.

What is the reason behind aktivpress.com is the best choice for Writing for us and general ?

  • You can acquire backlinks for your article and make use of them in the future for your own purposes.
  • We're a trusted website with a solid background. We regularly update our content to keep our readers interested.
  • We offer a variety of amazing opportunities for you to make the most of.
  • Aktivpress.com has a large global audience, which can give you the professional exposure you need.

Post-submission instructions:

You can submit your General + Write for Us post to this teamaktivpress@gmail.com. But, make sure that you've proofread your post and stay clear of silly mistakes.

Our team will go through the work submitted and decide on the next steps.


There are numerous other opportunities and websites We hope that this article has helped to understand the reasons why you should select us as your destination for the Write For Us or General Guest Post.

You can post your questions in the comments below. look up this article for advice on how to write a great guest blog.
