Xiao Qiumei Original Video

Xiao Qiumei Original Video

At the point when Chinese TikTok star Xiao Qiumei Original Video fell 160 feet to her demise while recording a unique video, it sent shockwaves through the web local area.

Chinese TikTok Star's Shocking Fall While Shooting Unique Video Staggers Fans

The web was stunned when well known Chinese TikTok star Xiao Qiumei Original Video unfortunately tumbled to her demise while recording one of her particular unique recordings. The 23-year-old web-based entertainment powerhouse, known for her thinking for even a moment to move recordings shot inside crane cockpits, lost her life subsequent to falling almost 160 feet while catching film for her 100,000+ fans.

Xiao Qiumei rose to popularity on China's rendition of TikTok, Douyin, by giving devotees an inside investigate her life as a crane administrator and mother through innovative unique recordings. Her uncensored in the background recordings and smooth dance moves reverberated with fans, driving her to TikTok fame. In any case, this mission for really exciting unique substance to engage her adherents at last prompted her overwhelming end.

The Awful Episode While Recording a Unique Video

The famous Chinese TikTok star Xiao Qiumei Original Video unfortunately lost her life in a lethal fall while recording a unique video for her web-based entertainment supporters. The occurrence happened on June twentieth, 2022 in Quzhou, situated in China's Zhejiang region.

23-year-old Xiao, known for her tomfoolery dance recordings and pieces of her life as a crane administrator, was recording inside a crane lodge high up over the ground. Around 5:40 pm, when the vast majority of her associates had left for the afternoon, Xiao made a move to make one of her unique recordings exhibiting her dance moves and dazzling perspectives from the crane cockpit.

Unfortunately, during the recording, Xiao appeared to have stumbled and plunged north of 160 feet to the ground beneath. At the point when crisis faculty showed up, they found her lying unmoving on the ground, her PDA still firmly gotten a handle on in her grasp. The first video she had been recording kept running, catching the stomach-beating snapshots of her fall.

About Xiao Qiumei and Her Unique Recordings

Xiao Qiumei was a 23-year-old Chinese web-based entertainment star prestigious for her tomfoolery and connecting with unique recordings on TikTok. Under the username @xiaoquimei, she amassed north of 100,000 dedicated devotees on the Chinese adaptation of TikTok called Douyin.

Fans ran to Xiao Qiumei Original Video profile to see her ability for making unique dance recordings and giving looks into her everyday existence as a crane administrator and mother. Her dance recordings joined movement with clearing sees from high up in crane cockpits, displaying both her specialized ability and imaginative vision.

Xiao additionally utilized her foundation to give fans an inside check out at her life through open unique recordings. These crude, unfiltered recordings gave a window into her encounters as a functioning mother of two small kids. Her children even made appearance appearances in a portion of her most well known unique recordings.

