[Watch Video] Video de joven venezolano de 22 años en Cucuta Colombia Twitter

[Watch Video] Video de joven venezolano de 22 años en Cucuta Colombia Twitter

On January 14, the city of Cúcuta in Colombia was the region of a colossal bad behavior against a 22-year-old Venezuelan man that was recorded on record and spread on relaxed affiliations. Video de joven venezolano de 22 años en Cucuta Colombia Twitter.

Video gets the second a 22-year-old Venezuelan man is harmed

In the stunning pictures it is seen when the liable party approaches Sosa, who was under the Eustorgio Colmenares range in the space known as Channel Bogotá, and without saying a word starts to cut him in the chest, mid-district, back and head with an edge. Sosa endlessly begs him to stop while trying to cover himself, yet the man go on with his assault mercilessly under the energy of different subjects who celebrate and film what's going on. It was even perceived that one of them broadcast the terrible way of behaving get through a Video de joven venezolano de 22 años en Cucuta Colombia Twitter.

After the video spread on social affiliations and the shock it stimulated among inhabitants, the specialists of Norte de Santander uncovered a compensation of up to 50 million pesos for any individual who gives data that permits the catch and indictment of those cautious. Along these lines, they did an honor mean to accelerate the cycle and deal with those normal as quick quite far, considering that their appearances can be plainly found in the changing media material.

Shock in Cúcuta, Colombia over video of wrongdoing of fiery Venezuelan

This terrible conduct shows the making immersion of violence that is tormenting Cúcuta, as well as the social decay made by erraticisms, for example, microtrafficking, of which accepted Sosa's wrongdoing was a brief result. Without a doubt, as indicated by relaxed translations of the prepared experts, it would be of a settling of records between drug overseeing packs working nearby.

Sosa, who had an establishment separate by downsized overseeing and immaterial robbery, was known by the pseudonym among the road remaining individuals. His extra parts were found on January 16 moved in a snoozing cushion, four days after the terrible way of behaving happened. No matter what the way that at first it was not satisfactory when the wrongdoing had happened, the presence of the video understood what worked out and start the relating evaluations.

The microtrafficking behind the severity in Cúcuta, Colombia

The dispersal of the video caused unending shock and outrage in Cúcuta, particularly considering the way that the liable gatherings showed no falterings about showing their appearances and, amazingly, appeared to show their crook works out. "The Video de joven venezolano de 22 años en Cucuta Colombia Twitter, all tenants ought to be scared," said Carlos Muñoz.

Terrible conduct accounts, a strategy that sets off cautions in Cúcuta

As alluded to progress of time, one of the scourges behind the flood of brutality that is tormenting Cúcuta is downsized overseeing and the dispute between bunches for control of regions and courses for drug making due, which leaves a method of death and dread among the inhabitants. The Sosa terrible way of behaving wouldn't be an exemption, and the specialists consider as the fundamental speculation that it was a settling of records related with this issue that incorporates the city inside genuine limits.

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