{Latest}Tailei Qi Twitter: Who is Tailei Qi, person of interest in University of North Carolina shooting?

Tailei Qi Twitter, An individual of concern has been identified by police following they discovered that the University of North Carolina went into lockdown Monday, following an active shooter warning. Tailei Qi, who was pursued by the police, was detained a mile away from the school.
The video of him being handcuffed and sitting on the sidewalk was broadcast by important media sources.
Source : aktivpress.com
Everything we know about the Tailei Qi
Tailei Qi Twitter, As per the information on his LinkedIn page, the suspect in the shooting Tailei Qi was an advanced graduate student specializing on Nanoparticle Synthesis and Light-Matter Interaction. The time of the arrest Qi was an assistant researcher in the Department of Applied Physical Sciences. Qi had been employed by his institution, the University of North Carolina for more than a year and half.
The past has seen Tailei Qi has studied at universities like Wuhan University and Louisiana State University. He has also worked being a researcher assistant for Southern University of Science & Technology. Southern University of Science & Technology and Suzhou Advanced Materials Research Institute. Suzhou Advanced Materials Research Institute.
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The time frame is that of UNC shooting
Tailei Qi Twitter, Around 1:02 am on the 28th of August shootings were reported inside the campus of UNC Chapel Hill. The incident was a shock to many students, and led to an uncontrollable situation where some attempted to leave the premises. However, it appears the attack was deliberate because no other incidents or deaths were reported to date.
At 2:30pm, authorities confirmed that TaileiQi was taken into custody. According to CNN the investigation is still ongoing. Investigators haven't yet decided if the victim is related to the suspect.