Atrioc Video Apologizes: After getting caught watching lewd deepfakes of female streamers! 2023 Details Here!

Atrioc Video Apologizes, Atrioc, a popular Twitch streamer, apologized today after accidentally posting photos of deepfaked nude images of female streamers on a website. Atrioc claims he was lured to the website by an advertisement online and didn't look at streamers he knew. This article provides you information that you want to need about Atrioc Video and Apologizes. Read Below,
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Video is On Reddit?
Atrioc Video Apologizes, A video clip taken from Atrioc’s stream circulated quickly around Reddit today. It showed that the Twitch streamer had opened a tab in his browser that included a fake website. Although Atrioc did not briefly expose his tabs to the public, viewers quickly identified the site as a source selling deepfake nude images for many Twitch streamers.
What Happened?
Atrioc Video Apologizes, A clip that claimed to "expose Atrioc" for looking at deepfakes by other streamers gained popularity on January 30. Atrioc briefly displays his tabs in the clip. One of these tabs was allegedly a deepfake site.
This website offers deepfake images of Twitch streamers including Pokimane and Maya Higa as well as videos of QTCinderella. These videos and images are graphic.
Atrioc and his partner appeared on stream to discuss the situation just hours after the video went viral.
Is Video Remove From Social Sites
Atrioc Video Apologizes, Although the clip was removed from Atrioc’s channel, Reddit user @hotsauce652 provided further evidence. claimed to have approached, the creator of the website, and stated that Atrioc was using the site's content. He also claimed that Atrioc had used his page, which contained explicit, deep-faked content from popular female streamers.
The streamer and his wife broadcast the situation hours after Atrioc's clip had gained attention. The streamer, who was crying after his actions were called "disgusting" or "embarrassing", claimed that he was lured onto the site via a Pornhub advertisement.
Atrioc apologizes over deepfakes controversy?
Atrioc Video Apologizes, Atrioc stated, "This is so embarrassing." He said he was an avid follower of deepfake technology and AI art.
"But, I was on a regular site, and there were ads on every video... then I clicked it and I'm in this rabbithole.
"I was morbidly curious, and clicked on something. It's disgusting and I'm sorry. It's so embarrassing."
He claimed it wasn't a "pattern or behavior" and that he only had one glance at it. He claimed he could show his receipt to prove that he bought access to the site the same day the clip was made.
There is no excuse. He said, "I'm not advocating it in any way. I think this entire category of stuff is wrong."
Reaction After Video
Fans immediately reacted to the clip with anger, saying that it was worse because he is friends with streamers and some of their partners.
Some viewers were more understanding and supportive of his claim that he always made his stream welcoming to women after his apology. One viewer stated that it felt like one of the most sincere apologies he'd ever seen. "Doesn’t excuse anything, but morbid curiosity isn’t a good reason."
QTCinderella has responded to the situation and asked for people to stop spreading this site. "Never be seen naked against your will.
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