Apa Sesungguhnya yang Dimaksud dengan “1 Oktober My Girl”: (2023) What is Really Meant by “October 1 My Girl”?


Have you recently seen a lot of posts on social media about “Apa Sesungguhnya yang Dimaksud dengan “1 Oktober My Girl”? This strange trend suddenly appeared and went viral among TikTok users.

Apa Sesungguhnya yang Dimaksud dengan “1 Oktober My Girl” is widely discussed as a special day for women or even a day of love.

Here is the long article for the “October 1 My Girl” section:

Recently, a new trend has emerged on TikTok social media which has been widely discussed by netizens. The trend states that October 1 is “My Girl's Day”.

Many of the contents on TikTok have the theme October 1, My Girl, with specific background songs and using certain hashtags. As a result, October 1 went viral among TikTok users as if it were a special day for women or a day of love.

October 1st is not My Girl's Day

Recently, especially on TikTok social media, there has been a lot of content circulating saying that October 1 is "My Girl's Day". This trend was then widely discussed on various social media platforms. Unfortunately, many people misunderstand and think that there is an official stipulation that makes October 1 a special day for women or a day of love.

In fact, there is absolutely no basis for stating that October 1 is designated as any special day. There is no history or decision from the authorities that confirms this date as Women's Day or Boyfriend's Day. So, the notion that October 1 is “My Girl's Day” is wrong.

Origins of the October 1 Trend My Girl

As previously explained, there is actually no historical basis or official determination that makes October Apa Sesungguhnya yang Dimaksud dengan “1 Oktober My Girl”. So, where does this trend come from?

Apparently, this trend started from content on TikTok social media. Several content creators on the video platform arbitrarily created content with the theme "October 1, My Girl" to enliven the atmosphere ahead of October. They took advantage of the moment of entering October to create exciting content with the specific theme of October 1 as My Girl's Day.

