{Virul News} Andover Ma Murder Suicide: Explore Complete DEtails On Murder Suicide Andover 2023

{Virul News} Andover Ma Murder Suicide: Explore Complete DEtails On Murder Suicide Andover 2023

This post on Andover Ma Murder Suicide will provide information to the readers about the Andover suicide-murder case.

Are you familiar with the Andover Ma Murder case? Are you familiar with the entire case? We will be discussing the Andover Ma Murder case if you don't know. After hearing about the case of suicide murder, people from the United States were shocked. This article will provide all details for those who have not heard of it. The suicide murder case spread throughout the country. Let's find out more.

Let's begin the article on Andover Ma Murder Suicide.

Source: aktivpress.com

Andover murder-suicide case

Andover Ma Murder Suicide, A terrible incident occurred in Andover Ma, Massachusetts. According to sources, the man who shot his son and wife after killing them was also a murderer. First, the father shot his wife with a gun and then killed his son. The man shot himself after murdering his son and wife. According to authorities, the incident occurred on Thursday morning.

According to officials, it appears like an horrific case of murder-suicide and domestic violence. They also stated that the 911 call was made at 3:21 AM from the house.

Disclaimer: This article is intended to inform the public about the case of murder-suicide. We don't support domestic violence, murder or suicide. This post was prepared to inform readers about the case of suicide murder. We do not allow this type of content on our site so we have not included any sensitive images.

Murder Suicide Andover

Andover Ma Murder Suicide, Because the Andover murder-suicide has been in the news since yesterday, the case seems horrible. According to the police, the father shot his son and wife with a gun before shooting himself with the gun. Officials claim that a 911 call was made from the house, but they have not revealed who made it.

Officials confirmed that the only people in the house were the father, mother and son. After five minutes of a telephone call, the police arrived on the scene.

Andover Ma Murder Suicide family member

Andover Ma Murder Suicide, The family consists of a father, mother and a 12-year old son. First, the father killed his son and wife, then he shot himself. Andrew Robinson, his wife Linda Robinson, was 55 years old and Sebastian Robinson, their son, was 12 years.

Both the mother and her son were killed, while their father took his own life after killing them. After reaching the house, police couldn't get in and had to open the door. The case is being investigated by the police to determine the cause of the Andover Ma Murder Suicide.

In a nutshell

Andover Ma Murder Suicide, This link will provide more information about the Andover murder-suicide investigation.

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Andover Ma Murder Suicide : Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the Andover murder-suicide case?

Ans. The Andover murder-suicide case is a suicide and murder case in which a man killed his son, and wife and then killed himself with a gun.

Q2. How old was the son?

Ans. The son Sebastian Robinson was twelve years old.

Q3. Who killed the mother and the son?

Ans. Andrew Robinson, the father killed his son and wife. Andrew first killed his wife after shooting her and then killed his son. After killing his wife and son, he shot himself and died.

Q4. Who made the phone call to 911 for Andover Ma Murder Suicide?

Ans. It is not revealed who made the call to 911.

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